No Sudden Move

No Sudden Move

No Sudden Move

Don Cheadle and Benicio del Toro play 2 low-level criminal types in 50’s Detroit. They’re assigned to retrieve a document, but as expected, things go in mis-directions. This cast is nimble with the performances and director Steven Soderberg keeps things compelling with a bit of low level tension. Even so, the details of the plot are sometimes muddled. Soderberg chose to use extreme wide angle lenses for his period look, but the distortion can be distracting. Don’t mistake this for a typical gangster flick. This film is about interactions, not violence. It’s obvious that an accomplished artist put this together, because it’s absorbing, even when the payoff isn’t especially gratifying. BTW, Brendan Fraser has dramatically gained weight because he’s ramping up to star as a 600lb recluse in THE WHALE by Darren Aronofsky. Also, Matt Damon has an uncredited role. 3 out of 5 stars (3 / 5)

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