Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight

Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight

Nobody Sleeps in the Woods Tonight

This is Poland’s first slasher film and the trailer looks like a cheesy throwback to 70s B-movies…in a good way. A group of campers goes on an expedition and the inevitable crazed killer dispatches them one by one. Since it’s following the formula, there’s nothing original about the structure or script, so it’s all about the execution (pun intended). The slaughters are how a director can set himself apart and Bartosz M. Kowalski has risen to the challenge. The movie is creepy and brutal without ever being especially suspenseful (although there were 1 or 2 jump scares). Think of it as enjoyable nostalgia for those who relish maniacs with a machete. (dubbed in English)


3.5 out of 5 stars (3.5 / 5)


Netflix link