THE PLAY: Six scenarios play out in different offices before kinda coming together in the final scene.
THE PRODUCTION: Even with lots of energy and extra effort, this agreeable cast can’t overcome the script’s basically unfunny writing. There are a few bright moments in the performances, but they’re usually trying too hard to make it work. Ditto to the jumbled direction by Andrew Bryce, which isn’t sufficiently farcical or clever. (One thing that made the simultaneous timeline confusing was the use of cell phones from different years.) A specific blunder: Joel White’s hard-drinking character consumes more than a quart of liquor in the scene, but never appears even mildly inebriated. The set by Hunter Mass is a bland, sparse space with mismatched furniture that does nothing to create unique environments. Running time: 1:45
THE POINT: This ensemble works hard and occasionally succeeds, but ultimately this is no laughing matter.

At CAT Theatre thru 6/22