THE PLAY: This campy take on beauty pageants features six men in drag who compete in the usual categories, albeit somewhat over the top. Audience judges vote for the winner.
THE PRODUCTION: A show like this depends on the right combination of real talent, delightful absurdity and intentional awfulness. This group creates ladies with varying levels of these ingredients (Brian Baez shows ’em how it’s done). Steve Boschen (as host) could have used a bit more swagger, but still manages some deadpan ringers. Director Justin Amellio keeps things moving and adds plenty of comic bits (although sometimes a bit sloppy). The set by John Knapp looks low budget (intentional or not), but D. Mark Souza’s costumes are delightfully colorful with lots of sparkle! The music was too loud, which made it a challenge to appreciate the humorous lyrics. If you enjoy a broad take on broads, this campy sendup will have you cheering and laughing.
THE POINT: This is not great theatre, but it’s great fun.

At Richmond Triangle Players thru 8/30