Pam and Tommy

Most people remember the 1997 controversy around “the sex tape” of Pamela Anderson (Lily James) and Tommy Lee (Sebastian Stan). This series expands on their relationship to explore the disgruntled ex-contractor who discovered and exploited the tape (a somewhat slimmer Seth Rogen with a rockin’ mullet). The mercurial duo are created with endless energy and sexual excitement: James convincingly captures Anderson’s insecurities and innocence, while Stan effectively embodies Lee’s erratic impulses and limitless ego (including his aggressive penis). Rogen generally subdues his typical goofy comic side. The details of the case are fascinating, especially considering it was the early days of the internet, but many scenes take too long or feel repetitive. There could have been cuts and the camera tricks are sometime silly. Still, this production provides a fascinating, fully “fleshed” version of the incident. (Review based on the available first 3 of 8 episodes) 3.5 out of 5 stars (3.5 / 5)

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