THE PLAY: A young black man from LA travels to Europe on a journey of personal and artistic self-discovery.
THE PRODUCTION: This musical is almost set up like a concert with a “lead singer” or narrator (Jeremy V. Morris in another dynamic, assured performance). The Youth’s travels play out with an excellent ensemble assuming a variety of roles. The first few numbers literally rock the house with rambunctious energy and a solid onstage band (under the direction of Leilani Fenick). While the entire cast shines thru the vocals and the comedy, Keaton Hillman (Youth) turns in his most memorable performance to date. Director Tawnya Pettiford-Wates’ staging is visually complex, often inventive and downright fun. The sound mix by Jimmy Fecteau is sometimes muddy, making it hard to catch the lyrics (but fortunately, they repeat a lot). The set by Chris Raintree features metal trusses and LED frames. Bill Miller’s colorful lighting is uneven, sometimes leaving the actors unlit and sometimes using the framing LEDs to distraction. Alex Valentin’s costumes add visual fun to the satire. Running time: 2:20
THE POINT: A vibrant, witty musical journey.

At Firehouse Theatre thru 10/18