THE PLAY: In the early 50s, two couples share a duplex (and more), but their secret lives are threatened when the state department launches an office purge of “deviants.”
THE PRODUCTION: Director Amy Berlin starts the show with a playful ’50s style, but swivels the comedy in a new direction when reality reveals itself. She’s managed to guide her robust cast thru wry comic performances (with Jacqueline O’Connor’s ditzy matron a sweetly-hilarious standout). The couples quartet deftly juggles the show’s disparate styles. When the conflict comes to a head in Act Two, the dialogue gets lengthy, but it ends a truly moving political statement. The jumbled set by David Allan Ballas doesn’t capture the period like the wonderfully flattering, lovely period frocks by Lynn West. (Running time: 2:00)
THE POINT: With spirited performances and assured direction, this fifties-era confection entertains with delightful fun, while effectively sending a powerful message.

At Richmond Triangle Players thru 10/22