
In an attempt to freshen the Predator franchise, this version is set 300 years ago in the Comanche Nation. A young woman (Amber Midthunder) is determined to be recognized as a good hunter, so she resolves to track down the mysterious monster. Even though some of his traits are different (earlier tech), he still has enormous powers to quickly dispatch man and beast. The action scenes are staged adequately and the action keeps moving. On the other hand, there’s never anything original or unique about the writing or direction (other than the setting). While I’m sure the producers worked hard to assure culturally appropriate decisions, Midthunder sounds L.A. and looks Goth, plus the dialogue also uses 21st century syntax, which takes viewers out of the period. Overall, it’s adequately made, but won’t do much to move the franchise forward. 3 out of 5 stars (3 / 5)

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