THE PLAY: A trio enjoys life at a home for retired opera singers. When a former diva moves in, they debate whether to perform a famous quartet an annual concert.
THE PRODUCTION: This foursome is fine on the surface. John Storck Maddox: amusingly naughty, Jacqueline Jones: sweetly dizzy, Granville Scott: boldly earnest and constantly intense, Mollie Ort: as emotionally rigid as her accent. The awkward floor plan (on Lin Heath’s rich, well-appointed set) keeps the actors continuously moving. Director Laurie Follmer has infused as much pace as possible, but never sends the actors to the emotional core that would have explored the play’s humanity. Despite a lively facade, the overall effect falls flat and the titular finale doesn’t equal the build up.
THE POINT: Despite the earnest efforts of the actors, this Quartet never reaches its full potential.

At CAT Theatre thru 6/6