THE PLAY: Two one-acts taken from a David Sedaris book about the Christmas holidays.
THE PRODUCTION: Act One features Jacqueline Jones as a demure housewife dictating her annual Christmas letter. It starts out sweet, but takes a dark turn. Jones comfortably chats with the audience, making even the character’s offhand racism seem almost harmless. She mines every opportunity for the (mostly genteel) laffs, but the piece seems to be trying too hard. The second act has Robert Throckmorton playing a Sedaris surrogate, who recounts his experiences as an Elf at Macy’s Santaland. Throckmorton’s offhand delivery and perfect timing land every line for maximum comic effect. Although I can’t quite put my finger on it, the humor seems somewhat dated and the play less hilarious that I remembered. Director T. Ross Aiken has nimbly staged the show to make the most of the space and keep the pace brisk. David Ballas turns an almost 2-D kitchen set into a full-depth Santaland, both provide attractive backgrounds. Running time: 2:00
THE POINT: If you enjoy your Holiday entertainment with a sassy twist, this delightful duo will get you in the (mean) spirit.

At Richmond Triangle Players thru 12/16