This sequel lacks any of the original’s assets (I really liked it). The narrative ended with her (Dakota Johnson) walking out on her billionaire beau (Jamie Dornan). Before long, they’re back together, which leads to endless intimate discussions about commitment, boundaries and other boring drivel. The dialogue is embarrassingly pedestrian (I was predicting a number of lines before they were uttered). The sex scenes lacked any eroticism (but plenty of nudity) and the S&M component was PG-rated kink. The sprinkling of suspense and disaster feels contrived and adds nothing. It doesn’t help that the obnoxious soundtrack pounds home the character’s emotional state with often ridiculously literal lyrics. Even the scenes of opulence lack visual snap. You’d have to be a true masochist to endure this painful experience. NOTE: If you must go, stay thru the early credits to see a preview of the next one.
![1 out of 5 stars](