THE PLAY: It’s wedding day for a couple from different backgrounds: She’s Jewish. He’s Catholic. But that’s only the beginning of their differences.
THE PRODUCTION: From the opening number, this show had me smiling. And I grinned when I caught the bouquet during the finale. In between, this A-List cast is doing their best work making every moment shine. Many of the musical numbers are delightful with highlights from Susan Sanford’s beautifully underplayed solo and the hilariously cliché duet by Jessi Johnson and Durron Tyre. Jon Kretzu’s clever directorial hand has extracted every laff with perfectly-timed takes and clever bits. Choreographer Kikau Alvaro added just the right moves to ramp up the comedy. The band, under the direction of Kim Fox, provides perfectly-balanced backup. Frank Foster has designed a lovely reception space with the clever placement of the orchestra behind the curtains (although the video monitors aren’t really necessary). Michael Jarett’s lighting adds another layer of festive fun. Of course, a wedding brings out the best opportunity for pretty dresses and T.C. Williams didn’t disappoint. Running time: 2:05
THE POINT: This show is crammed with smiling energy and joyful performances that create a genuinely funny, wonderfully entertaining delight.

At Richmond Triangle Players thru 7/1