THE PLAY: A successful artist visits his old flame (and her husband) in their English home trying to reconnect with that lost spark of inspiration. This alternates with a press interview that centers around art and fame.
THE PRODUCTION: This play would bog down in the lengthy duo dialogue and minimal emotion if it didn’t have a strong cast. Luckily, this superb foursome transcends the material to bring humanity, meaning and even some humor (thanks mostly to Andrew Frida). Director Rusty Wilson has relied on minimal staging to let his actors do the heavy lifting. Benjamin Burke’s turntable set appropriately augments the simplicity of the approach and the other tech elements provide good support. The interactions in the “personal” portions are effective, but the indulgent “art” discussions interfere with the story’s momentum.
THE POINT: The play takes a minimalist contemporary approach, but the excellent cast realizes it’s maximum impact.

A Cadence Theatre Company production in partnership with VA Rep at the Theatre Gym thru 11/8