THE PLAY: Six people attend a silent yoga retreat.
THE PRODUCTION: One of this play’s biggest challenges is the “silent” part. How does a production create dramatic momentum and character development without many words? The play mostly succeeds: We get glimpses into each person’s issues that offer minimal character insights. Weirdly, there was only one explanatory monologue, which was confusing…why him and not all of them? Director Laine Satterfield has guided this first-rate cast in creating compelling, if not enigmatic, individuals. Each person has a few moments to shine, bringing out their characters’ frustrations or foilables with precise skill and quiet comic appeal. The leader (voiced by Marisa Guida) is only ever heard, but she provides a perfect grounding voice. Emily Hake Massie has designed an attractive semicircular space with yoga imagery decorating the walls and trees filling the windows. Joey Luck has created an immersive sound design that brings out the environment. Running time: 1:10
THE POINT: While not fully fulfilling in the traditional theatrical sense, this excellent cast offers amusing and sometimes tender insights into a group of encumbered strangers in a unique situation.

A Virginia Rep / Cadence Theatre co-production at the Theatre Gym now closed due to the virus