This fact-based telling of the attack on 2 U.S. compounds in the titular city gives director Michael Bay a chance to use his big-budget action chops in a “war” picture. Even though the scope is smaller, It’s still bears his high-end Hollywood signature with a grand scale and trademark cinematic flourishes. The story starts by attempting to create personalities for the security team, but even with snappy macho posturing, it takes too long and never establishes much individuality. The Embassy takeover is confusing, which may be intentional, but doesn’t make for good storytelling. The second confrontation carries more weight and provides the film’s most effective firepower. After the dust settles, this 2.5 hour ordeal comes to an end several times. The paranoia and brutality of the clashes are effectively staged, but the overall effect is too unfocused and less powerful than it might have been.