Space Jam: A New Legacy

When you see a movie with 2 directors and 6 screenwriters, you can figure things will be a mess. That many different voices can’t be a good sign of a unified creative approach. Sadly, this lives down to those expectations. LeBron James is as stiff as his predecessor Michael Jordan in this reboot of the 1996 film. He and his young son (played by an actor) get trapped in a digital world where they’re pitted against each other by AI (Don Cheadle, desperately trying to bring the funny). James enlists the classic Looney Tunes characters for his team, which should be where the comedy comes, but alas, their wisecracks never land…they just play to their physical gag stereotypes. Not only is the movie never funny, but in an attempt to add a family friendly heart, there’s too much time wasted on the father/son relationship. Young’uns will be able to enjoy the animated whimsy, but anyone with any standards will just yawn or stop playback early. 1.5 out of 5 stars (1.5 / 5)

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