THE PLAY: This is loosely based on Anton Checkov’s “The Seagull” (hence, the irreverent modern title). A family and several friends interact about frustrated love, fear of failure and personal comic despair.
THE PRODUCTION: This exceptional cast brims with delightful creations and notable performances. In the romping first act, the sassy repartee inhabits every area of the theatre, even tossing in some lively improvisation and audience interaction. Some scenes are staged in one area too long, which deprives people far away or on the wrong side, but it’s a promising start. Act Two loses steam and humor, as it becomes downright difficult for the characters and the audience. There are virtual monologues for everyone and a more somber slant that borders on tiresome. Even Jon Kretzu’s nimble direction can’t pull it out of the doldrums. The environmental set by Tennessee Dixon is simple, yet lovely, while Michael Jarett’s lighting quietly complements the mood shifts.
THE POINT: This exceptional cast promises a wickedly comic drama of dysfunction and frustration, but after intermission the pacing slows and the overbearing drama diminishes the pleasure.

A Quill Theatre production at Richmond Triangle Players thru 1/30