THE PLAY: A man comes home from jail after 14 years to face an unwelcoming family.
THE PRODUCTION: When this show opens, the lively cast zips along creating interesting characters. It’s a uniformly superb group. (My only concern: even though Arik Cullen is appropriately menacing in the role, he seems too young considering his relationships and history.) The actors successfully capture the comic absurdity, adverse cruelty and harrowing drama of this East Coast premiere’s captivating script. As Act 2 unravels the back stories, things take a dramatic turn that goes very dark before it’s over. Director Alison Devereaux has used a strong, but subtle hand in managing the overlapping dialogue, the raw characters and the ultimate drama. Alan Williamson has designed an effective low budget house from 2 different angles. If anything it could have looked a bit more shoddy, given their financial state. The other tech elements are fine. Running time: 1:50
THE POINT: This entertaining and challenging play is given a humorous, touching and ultimately moving production, thanks to the commendable performances.

At Firehouse Theatre thru 2/16