Taylor Mac’s 24-Decade History of Popular Music

Taylor Mac’s 24-Decade History of Popular Music

Taylor Mac’s 24-Decade History of Popular Music

We first discovered Taylor Mac when he performed at University of Richmond several years ago (and we loved the straight-laced and prob straight walkouts at his outrageousness). We also saw a display at the Museum of Art & Design of the incredible costumes that judy (that’s the pronoun he prefers) wore for this show in 2016. It’s a 24-hour performance art concert that features a popular song from every decade, often re-framed thru a modern lens. The way Mac makes those observations fabulous is simply brilliant. Judy does wear drag, not to look like a woman, but as a metaphor for the theme of the current segment. The show starts with a 24-piece ensemble and every hour one member leaves the stage until judy’s alone for the final song. The show features delightful surprises and a few moments of touching tenderness. There’s also  audience interaction in the theater and on stage. Even though this is a recording of the actual event, it superbly captures the magic, wonder, hilarity and outrage of this dazzling and important artist. 5 out of 5 stars (5 / 5)

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