THE PLAY: A baker’s beliefs are challenged when two lesbians (one a close family friend) ask her to make their wedding cake.
THE PRODUCTION: Comparisons to Paula Deen and Terri Moore’s charismatic Southern cook are inevitable. Even more similar (and recent) is her hilarious portrayal of the fan in Always Patsy Cline (my review). Pair her accent and attitude with her flawless delivery and perfect timing and you’ve got a delightful performance. As her husband, Gordon Bass adds some charming moments. The women who play the couple (Nicole Morris-Anastasi and Zakiyyah Jackson) create genuine characters without much personality. When Moore is on stage, the play is usually fun. At other times, it slides into predictable political advocacy. Considering that playwright Bekah Brunstetter also works on the TV drama This Is Us, you can also expect tearful moments. Director Dawn Westbrook keeps things lively and amplifies the comic potential. David Allan Ballas has designed a delicious pastel pastry shop that cleverly converts into 2 bedrooms. Running time: 1:45 (no intermission)
THE POINT: Thanks to Terri Moore’s charming characterization, this Virginia premiere is chocked with well-baked fun that only slows when the message dominates.

At Richmond Triangle Players thru 3/7
Nicole Morris-Anastasi and Zakiyyah Jackson (Photos by John MacLellan)