THE PLAY: After a man severely beats his wife, she’s left brain damaged and he’s an emotional wreck. This initial conflict rambles into an exploration of their family members’ personal perceptions and damaged relationships.
THE PRODUCTION: The men’s characters are angry frustration and this cast captures those qualities with undeniable intensity. The women, who have all the personality, make the show warmer: McLean Jesse is extraordinary as she struggles in her own world, Lauren Leinhaas-Cook provides the sweetest comic moments and Tamara Johnson creates a wonderfully outsize personality. Director Anna Johnson has done her best to give the play’s relentless emotional pounding some dynamic. Rich Mason’s rough-hewn environment is both attractive and symbolic, while his lighting design adds another level of drama. The musical trio (headed by Drew Perkins, who wrote the score) sounds great and provides a lovely counterbalance to the show’s emotion. After 3 hours of abuse, the histrionics leave us beaten down and worn out, even when the skillful actors are working so hard.
THE POINT: This accomplished cast effectively portrays the disturbed characters, while diligently trying to overcome the challenges of the play’s extended scenes.

A Cadence Theatre production in partnership with Virginia Rep at the Theatre Gym thru 5/23