THE PLAY: A high school girls’ soccer team interacts as they warm up for their games.
THE PRODUCTION: This play isn’t plot-based, but focused on the dynamics of the girls’ personalities. It starts with overlapping exchanges that feature rapid-fire dialogue and also make it a challenge to catch all of what’s being said (the bad acoustics don’t help). The is a real team ensemble, completely at home playing characters near their own age (all VCU students). Each one manages to create a unique character with Anna Katogirtis staking a claim for her comic asides. Director Sharon Ott has actively staged the warm-up exercises to add another level of skill to the performances, while allowing later dramatic scenes to quietly develop emotion. Dasia Gregg has created an artistic interpretation of a soccer dome featuring a giant scoop of Astroturf and rows of florescent lights (which sometimes put onĀ a show). Running time: 1:20
THE POINT: Although this will certainly appeal to a young audience (who can relate to the youthful interactions), this cast embraces their characters and the drama with naturalistic skill.

A co-production of VCUArts/Theatre and Cadence Theatre Company on the Raymond Hodges Stage thru 10/7