This Fool

What Atlanta did for Black rappers and Reservation Dogs did for Native Americans, comedian Chris Estrada has done with this series, which is based on his life with his intergenerational Mexican American family. He lives at home with his mother in South Central LA and helps run a non-profit that helps rehab gang members and former inmates, including his older cousin (Frankie Quinones), who moves in with them.  Quite simply, this show is endearingly funny. The cast is loaded with unique and amusing characters including Quinones, Michelle Ortiz as his girlfriend and Jamar Malachi as the passionate pastry chef. They don’t overplay. They don’t underplay. They play just right. Estrada’s character is a sort of Mexican Charlie Brown: He’s a put-upon sad sack who’s the butt of every joke, but it works to have his solid foundation in the middle of the wackiness. The show is at times clever, touching and genuinely amusing, while capturing a slice of life that’s unique yet universal. BTW, give it at least 2 eps for it to find its base. 4.5 out of 5 stars (4.5 / 5)

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