This is Alan Sader

This is Alan Sader

This is Alan Sader

Alan Sader is best known for his 23 years as the spokesperson for Christian Children’s Fund (later renamed ChildFund). He’s also had an extensive career on stage and screen.  We talk about his past adventures and his plans for a future series of staged readings with actors he’s never had an opportunity to work with. It’s titled “A Few More For the Road—Alan Sader’s Bucket List” and will be presented July 20 & 21 at Richmond Triangle Players. Admission is free, but donations are suggested. NOTE: There was some confusion during the interview. Joseph Pabst did the original reading with Alan, but Joe Inscoe is doing one of them at the weekend event. Our discussion includes:
– How he came to own the Tidewater Dinner Theatre
– How he prepped the audition for the Christian Children’s Fund
– Why they were told to stay away from the kids in these countries
– Reactions to the satirical SNL sketch
– Using an ear prompter
– Being the villain on a Christian soap opera
– Auditioning for Barbra Streisand for The Prince of Tides
Michelle Williams’ negative reaction to him on Dawson’s Creek
Andy Griffith almost cut him out of Matlock
How his cancer diagnosis inspired his “Bucket List”

Tickets for “A Few More For the Road—Alan Sader’s Bucket List” (free but reservation requested)
Podcast with Mary Sader
Podcast with Irene Ziegler re: The First Lady
Byrd Stories