THE PLAY: This is a camp musical variation of the Dickens classic: The business of a creative box designer (yes, a box designer) is tanking until he’s visited by three versions of Liza Minnelli, who help him appreciate his gifts.
THE PRODUCTION: The idea is unique, but the script is confusing, seldom funny and downright dumb. Director Keith Fitzgerald has thrown lots of energy on the stage and Doug Schneider tries desperately to anchor the show with his capable talents. Anna Grey Hogan creates a dead-on delightful young Liza and Kirk Morton’s over-the-hill diva is the show’s hilarious highlight. The remainder of the cast ranges from good to woefully off-tune. The technical aspects are shoddy, but Kim Fox’s live band plays a positive note. I’m trying to be affirmative for the Holiday season, but this is an amateurish calamity.
THE POINT: Despite all of the hard-working talent, this more a calamity than a carol.

At Triangle Players thru 12/13