TVJerry interviews TVJerry

TVJerry interviews TVJerry

TVJerry interviews TVJerry

To mark the beginning of the 4th year of SIFTER FOR THE EAR, I went for a meta gimmick. Local cinematographer Bunt Young is known for his voice impressions of people in the production community, including yours truly. So, Jerry (aka Bunt) will be interviewing Jerry about:
– Where TVJerry came from
– When you started directing
– How you got into video
– The creation of The Man in the Dark.
– Directing music videos for Single Bullet Theory
– Some memorable production experiences
– Working with cinematographer Bunt Young
– The story behind Tales from the Grip
– The Dirtwoman Documentary
– How the podcast evolved

Dirtwoman Documentary
Duke Lafoon’s podcast
Bunt Young’s IMDB page