THE PLAY: This is a collection of 4 one-acts. A playwright wants to include full frontal male nudity in his new play. A married couple shops for single beds. Two parents discuss having the sex talk with their kids. An elderly couple can’t keep their names straight.
THE PRODUCTION: When these were originally staged in the early 70s, they were funny and a bit daring. Unfortunately, the script’s tame approach to the subject matter now seems somewhat outmoded. Nonetheless, this cast does a good job of creating realistic characters (despite the cavalcade of cheap wigs). The first 2 pieces are interesting, but unexceptional. The 3rd one drags the discussion way too long, although Frank Creasy’s performance is strong. It’s worth sitting thru them for the 4th one, when Richard Koch’s superb timing creates a delightfully hilarious old geezer. Vicki McLeod counters him nicely, but could have used a bit more age in her manner. Director John Moon has done his best to shore up this ultimately dated script. Tom Width’s set is versatile and adequate.
THE POINT: The cast does well, but the production is uneven (partially due to the script).

At Swift Creek Mill Theatre thru 7/18