What Happens Later

What Happens Later

What Happens Later

Meg Ryan and David Duchovny play characters who were lovers during their college years. After all this time, they run into each other at a regional airport. When the flights get delayed, they spend the evening roaming around the facility and chatting about old times. This is Ryan’s first feature since 2015 (she also directed). The quirky charm that made her romcom characters so appealing has been replaced by a wistful free spirit with issues (and those hard-to-handle plastic looks). Ironically, Duchovny does better with the few comic moments that manage to emerge. Otherwise, it’s pretty much a predictable two-hander without any surprises in the story, dialogue or performances. The “magical” moments featuring the airport announcer don’t add anything. This film was adapted from a play and being grounded (literally and metaphorically) keeps the interactions from ever soaring. 1.5 out of 5 stars (1.5 / 5)

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