THE PLAY: A middle-aged single mom meets a refuge from Sudan and becomes involved in his life.
THE PRODUCTION: Lian-Marie Holmes is a welcome new addition to Richmond’s theatre scene. She’s an accomplished actor and the strength of this show. The rest of the cast ranges from acceptable to amateurish. And the script doesn’t help. The abrupt unexplained plot points and stilted dialogue are distractions, but the thinly-veiled political messages get in the way of much dramatic involvement. Keith Fitzgerald’s static and occasionally awkward direction doesn’t improve matters (the scene changes are especially clumsy). The set by TJ Spensieri features minimal design, but the living room (where most of the play occurs) could have been expanded without detracting from the other settings. Kudos to Dialect Coach Donna E. Coghill for the excellent African accents. Running time: 1:50
THE POINT: This preachy play needs a stronger directorial hand and more accomplished actors (with the exception of an impressive local debut by Lian-Marie Holmes).

A 5th Wall production at TheatreLAB’s basement thru 11/2