THE PLAY: Cindy Lou Who of Dr. Seuss fame is all alone on the eve of her holiday party. She shares her hopes and memories with the audience in this one-woman show.
THE PRODUCTION: When you give a warped part like this to an actor with perfect timing and flawless delivery, you can expect a great time. Kimberly Jones Clark nails it. Her elastic expressions change on a dime and her saavy audience interactions help turn the rhyming-couplet script into a cheerfully raunchy celebration (this is NOT a family show). Director Dexter Ramey surely added some of the comic bits and kept Clark on track, although the show begins to lag around the prison segment. T. Ross Aiken has decorated the cozy trailer set for Christmas (and the slanted wall is a nice touch) and Michael Jarett’s lights add drama and color. Running time: 1:05
Since the show is short, there’s a delightful cabaret after intermission with some clever new Holiday songs (and a few traditional ones). It’s performed by either Georgia Rogers Farmer or Shannon Gibson Brown, with musical support from Joshua Wortham.
THE POINT: Even though the play wears out its welcome before it’s over, Kimberly Jones Clark gives a wonderfully wacky performance.

At Richmond Triangle Players thru 12/15