THE PLAY: Two sisters and their sister-in-law face major changes in their lives. This is amplified by asides featuring other women addressing turning points in their lives.
THE PRODUCTION: This script is written by the team that’s created several popular local shows, including The Dixie Swim Club and Doublewide, Texas. This one takes place in Virginia, but is not as packed with easy punch lines as some of their more successful work. It still features a small cast of appealing women, lots of age jokes and the inevitable silly costume moment (the rest of Jen Krisch’s clothes are colorful, attractive and character-appropriate). This trio does a pleasant job mining the most out of the somewhat ordinary situations and mildly interesting characters. A 4th actor (Kathy Northrop Parker) nimbly creates an entertaining variety of “interview” characters that are interspersed throughout the show. Director Amy Berlin keeps things moving and amps the comedy, while not letting the “sweet” moments go very deep. Joe Bly’s set is an acceptable living room. Running time: 2:00
THE POINT: Women “of a certain age” will find plenty of good-natured humor to relate to, but this lively production is slight on genuine comedy.

At CAT thru 12/21