Richmond actor in new Jerry Seinfeld movie

Richmond actor in new Jerry Seinfeld movie

Richmond actor in new Jerry Seinfeld movie

In UNFROSTED Bailey Sheetz is discovered by Jerry Seinfeld’s character in a dumpster eating what would become a Pop-Tart. This young actor has a funny part in the new Netflix hit that was written, directed and stars Jerry Seinfeld. Our lively interview covers much more than any of the local print stories, including:
– His relationship to the gas station/restaurant with the same last name
– His love of antiques, esp. vacuum cleaners
– Being called “an old soul” on Big Little Shots with Melissa McCarthy
– His first role as the voice of a squirrel for Apple
– Working with Seinfeld, McCarthy and Jim Gaffigan
– Flying on top of a truck
– Almost getting strangled by a candy necklace

My review of UNFROSTED
Podcast on Pine Grove School
The vacuum cleaner episode was on How to with John Wilson, Season 3, Ep 4 of  (my 5-star  review)